There is no need to speak about uniqueness of Far East, both from the point of view of it rich natural resources and of a favourable geographical location and important political value. The paper presents an opening perspectives of economic cooperation and problems, which are necessary for solving for successful implementation of the offered project, considering difficult economic situation in Primorye. The project at the first stage has aim of development of a trade and transport corridor between Northern China, Russian Far East and USA North-west and was proposed by port group in gulf Pyitjet with head - port Takoma. Primorye Territory in connection with it the strategic location has a key role in implementation of the project. Primorye Territory is most advanced in comparison with other regions of Russian Far East with fixed capital of transport enterprises 12 % in Territory volume and 14% of all workers. Territory is a finite terminal of Trans-Siberian trunk line with the network of railway terminals and industrial enterprises. The outputs to coast are large transport units Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostoctmy port, Posyet, Zarubino including railway and road (five) passes with China aM Northern Korea. A road system has territorial density exceeding average Russian level on 90%. The tar distance from central areas and absence of the constant automobile connections with northern areas of Territory predeternfines the important role in passenger transportation of air transport. The international air transportation of the passengers and cargoes receives further development through the airports Vladivostok and Gold Valley. The largest in Russia Far-Eastern Shipping company and Primorye Oil Shipping company and also powerful ship repairing base are in Territory. The feature of transport is, mainly, the transit function of export cargoes and in supply of Russian North.

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