In this study, a new numerical model based on Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) is proposed. By using the proposed numerical model, deformations in foundation of seawall can be simulated. Deformable particles are generated to simulate the deformation characteristics of soils under seawall. In this study, modifications are made to improve the restriction of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA). Numerical examples are presented in this paper. By using the block system of DDA, the deformation in soil particles can be analyzed reasonably. The behavior of foundation and soil under seawall is analyzed by discretizing soil mass into blocks. The settlements of seawall and soil mass are presented. The results in this paper can be provided for reference purposes during design, construction and research inn coastal structures.
The field of ocean engineering is broad and unpredictable. Thus, ocean engineering provides solutions to human needs for the exploration and utilization of sea and coastlines. In many respects, ocean engineering is akin to geotechnical engineering, which is also broad and multi-disciplined. Therefore, geotechnical engineering and ocean engineering are inextricably linked. Coastal protections are strongly dependent on good and safe sea-defense. However, the design of seawall was mostly based on vague experience and general calculation methods. The increased demand on reliable design methods for protective coastal structures has showed the importance of this field. Seawalls are used as barrier for coastal protection, and are made up of various types of permeable structures. In general, the design of seawall is mainly determined by the hydraulic boundary conditions, the availability of materials and construction methods. The characteristics of soil should also be taken into consideration, because the wave-induced pore-water pressure may influence the functions of the seawall. However, the influence of permeability to the stability of seawall was not entirely discussed in the present related research.