This treatise compared EN PASOL (Enregistrement Parametre Soletanche), a quantitative geo-surveying method, with other typical investigation methods and illustrated its adaptability to grouting work using SINNUS(System Injection Numerical Soletanche) system for reliable grouting design of real-time analysis. ENPASOI, method is well co-related with general investigation approaches and the level of improvement can be obtained through pre and post-investigations. The method is considered as a cost-effective \\a\ of quality control. SINN[JS grouting system easily" provides a precise analysis of-" work data. utilizing high data processing capacity of grouting work from design stage to work stage. And this paper describes a case study where these methods have been used successfully in TAM(Fube A Manchette) grouting.
Human beings are turning more attention to the utilization of underground areas such as underground parking lots, subways and underground car roads as well as to bigger structures as they need more space. Construction of such large-size structures and big underground spaces demands accurate and objective geo-surveying methods, grouting designs, work practices and analyses under the quantitative and systematic management. Although various methods have been used in geo-surveving, a quantitative and accurate analysis method is not to be carried out yet. work practice and post-analysis because of the non-numerical and insufficiency of geo-surveying data. Basic data for design and the actual working seems to be carried out depending mainly on work experiences on the site due to the lack of its theory". Although some injection recorders are used in the site for grouting, it needs much time and effort to process and analyze data systematically. Especially: as grouting is performed in the ground, it is difficult to know the extent of improvement during or after work and it needs additional geo-survey or full-scale test (a test of direct drilling or fluid pressure) afterward.