The forces on and responses of a barge mounted platform (BMP) in waves and currents are investigated using various boundary element methods. A higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is developed in the frequency domain using a zero-forward-speed free-surface. Green function and the results are compared with an independently developed constant panel method (CPM). The accuracy and convergence rate of the two methods are systematically compared. A time-domain higher-order boundary element method (THOBEM) is also developed to estimate wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, wave run-up, and mean drift forces in waves and uniform currents. The zero-current case of THOBEM agrees well with the frequency-domain results. The computed results are compared with experiments. The influence of neighboring boundaries, such as quays, is also studied. The responses of a BMP in the installation site of the South Sea of Korea are presented.


For the utilization of ocean space and development of ocean resources, a BMP (barge-mounted platforms) project has been launched in Korea and a full-scale construction is planned near the Koje Island of the South Sea in the coming years (Chung & Chung, 1996). The main purpose of the BMP project is to develop key technologies for the design and construction of a floating-barge system for various kinds of purposes, such as desalination plants, waste-treatment plants, and floating ports. One of the most important design considerations of the proposed BMP is the ability to predict the responses and mooring-line forces of the system in a design sea condition. The prediction of wave run-up is also important to provide proper deck clearance. The wave forces, run-up, mean drift forces, and platform responses may be appreciably influenced by the presence of neighboring structures and sea currents. To assess the performance of the platform in various kinds of sea environments, three different boundary element methods have been developed and the computed results are systematically compared.

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