Massive 24,000 Tonne Jack - up Rig was fabricated, in various stages, at the fabrication yard of Yard number 2. Schematization of the foundation system become very important due to heterogeneous soil characteristics across the fabrication yard and due to progressive buildup of the structure. It become a challenge to the Geotechnical engineer to plan an economic foundation system to take care of the settlement behavior during different stages of fabrication. Foundation system was schematized on four skid - way system. During load-out, the load was transferred in such a manner that the quay wall was capable of sustaining the load with control settlements. The calculated behavior matches very well with the recorded observations of the foundation system. This paper deals with the analysis, design and behavior of the foundation system of the jack - up rig.


Fabrication of the 24,000 Tonne Jack - up rig was planned to be carried out at Yard No.2. The exact location of fabrication was chosen in such a way so as to take the maximum advantage of the existing facilities. It was therefore decided to fabricate the Jack - up rig where previously two mammoth Jackets, each weighing more than 35,000 Tonne were fabricated. Just before the fabrication of the Jack - up rig, various Jackets, weighing between 2,500 and 3,500 Tonne, were fabricated in the same area. The sub - soil in the area was therefore subjected to considerable amount of consolidation and compaction under the heavy loads at different time over the past several years. FOUNDATION SCHEME The schematization of the foundation system was done, keeping in view the future requirements of the foundations with respect to the following stages of progress and operation of the "Jack - up rig"

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