The concept of bounding surface plasticity was first applied to cohesionless soils by Aboim et. al. (1982) and Bardet (1983). This paper presents the experimental observations to compare with the predictions made by the stress-strength theory developed by Bardet (1983). A series of static drained triaxial tests and cyclic undrained triaxial tests were performed on standard Ottawa sand. It was found that the predictions were in reasonable agreement with the experimental laboratory tests. However. the material constant, Aspect ratio of ellipse in contracting domain, is mainly effected with the relative density., the mathematical relationship of the material constant, to the relative density has been developed in this paper.

Boundary. Surface Simulation of Cyclic Triaxial Compression Test

A typical material response during a triaxial loading-unloading cycle, which includes any soil behavior, is schematically shown in Fig. l(a). At removing the elastic strain, it is represented by the vertical line of Fig. l(b). If the stress is further increased, the stress-strain curve approaches and merges with the bound represented by the straight line XX". The slope of response curve at an3" point is taken as a function of the distance AA". denoted by between the stress state and the bound XX". The point a" on the bounding line XX" is called the image point. During plastic loading from A to B it moves to a new position B". Static Triaxial Compression Tests The test specimens had dimensions of 100 mm. in height and 50 mm. in diameter, Its were prepared directly on triaxial cell pedestal. For preparing a specimen, a pre-weighed amount of air-dried sand mixed with about 8% of water contents at an appropriately density was poured into a membrane lined mold in five equal layers with zero height of drop.

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