The purpose of this paper is to present a calculation of the maximum Energy Absorption Capacity of steel plates subjected to uniform lateral or patch loading. For the evaluation of the critical deflection, until failure occurs, several failure criteria have been utilized. The main emphasis is on. the presentation of a fracture criterion, its application to the problem and the comparison among the results produced from other failure criteria.


It is the object of the work reported herein, to estimate the energy absorption capacity of a plate up to the initiation of fracture propagation, under Uniformly Distributed Loading, as well as patch loading. Various formulations have been considered for the estimation "of the Energy Absorption Capacity of the impact area of the Ship Hull during a Collision. Most of the methods are based on the assumption that the plate is clamped or fully clamped, i.e. no in-plane movements on the edges are allowed. Further although the collision between vessels is a dynamic phenomenon, the analysis of the structure in the vicinity of the impact could be considered as quasi-static because the inertial forces resulting from the accelerations during the impact do not represent a significant portion of the total load equilibrated by the internal forces of the structure. In this paper a methodology for the determination of the maximum energy absorption capacity under VOL or Patch load is presented. It is of vita importance, the correct prediction of the maximum strains which cause failure, and thus to limit the strain at which failure of the plating material occurs. The energy absorbed is calculated as the integral of the load-deflection curve from the origin until the deflection corresponding to the maximum allowable strain. The plate response is investigated under the following boundary conditions:

  1. In-plane movement and Rotation are restricted {Fully Clamped}

  2. In-plane movement is free whilst Rotation is restricted {Clamped}

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