The parametrization of ice conditions must reflect the purpose of applying the data in some operations. One alternative for parametrization is given in this paper. The conditions along the North-East Passage are then described using this parametrization code. The Passage is divided into seven sea areas and the ice conditions according to the chosen parametrization is given. The data is based on information available in public domain. Finally the data is summarized and some examples of applications of it in trafficability studies are given.
The aim of this paper is to describe ice conditions along the North-East passage in such a way that the data may be used in ship related studies. The data is intended for two aspects in ship studies. Logistical studies where the traffic now is the subject of the studies. The target may be the design of a fleet to fulfill a transportation demand and the research topic the influence of ice conditions on the cargo now. The other aspect is strength of individual ships and then the object is evaluation of the risk for damage of the ship performing a certain task or the assesment of the pollution risks for the environment. The data presented here was collected originally for the first purpose i.e. to be used in logistical studies related to the research project "Shipyard 2000". This is a project funded and run by Finnish shipyards. It contains a subproject related to the NSR. Before a description of the ice conditions on such a large area that the Russian Arctic seas comprise is attempted, a suitable system for data format must be selected. One consequence of the completeness requirement is that it must be possible to generate by e.g. Monte Carlo simulation the ice conditions from the parametres given.