With the limited land in Korean Peninsular, the New Seoul Metropolitan Airport was visualized in the area where the depth of sea-water is relatively shallow and site location is environmental problem free. The total area of final stage is about 56.168 Km2 with the construction cost of 4.56 billion dollars. The average thickness of soft marine clayey soil is about 5 m. The paper presents the soil indices with soil profiles, relationships between dry densities and natural water contents, and also with initial void ratios. The relationships between plasticity index and liquid limit & initial void ratios are presented. The relationships between cohesion and unconfined compression strength has been evaluated. Various geotechnical properties with respect to soil depth are described in detail. Finally, some of consolidation test results are compared with other clays of the world


Large-scale international airport is needed in the Far East with rapid demand of airtransportation in 21 century. Mter considering soil conditions, air traffic, geological location, environmental effects, and economy, present airport site shown in Figure 1 was chosen from among the tentative 65 sites. The New Seoul Metropolitan Airport site is located on the West Sea between Yongjong Island and Yongyu Island, 55 Km west of Seoul, in Kyunggi Bay. The construction works have already begun since November, 1992 and it will be completed by 2020. Geotechnical investigations in the area of Kyunggi Bay have been very scare and generally limited to the coastal region. The paper presents some of geotechnical properties of soft marine clay at the site in Figure 1 including soil indices, voild ratio, water contents, dry density, shear strength test results, and consolidation test results. From the analysis of the geotechnical properties, number of empirical relationships are derived and compared with other existing theories.

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