The internation.al pipeline network is ever increasing and some of these lines are already reaching an age of 20 years or more. It is, therefore that operators: are asking for the technology to Inspect and assess the state of their pipeline installations. State of the art intelligent pigs can detect a variety of flaws and defects from geometric anomalies to metal loss features and cracks. This paper will introduce how the integrity assessment of offshore pipelines can be achieved by the use of these in-line inspection tools. Special consideration will be given to the increasing demand for base line surveys ("fingerprinting") of newly constructed/lines and the special problems associated with thick walled offshore pipelines. A newly developed fitness-for-purpose evaluation program Will be Introduced which allows the assessment of individual pipeline sections or entire installations based on the data collected by use of intelligent pigs and the loading- and material parameters known to the operator.


Pipelines constitute one of the safest and most economical means to transport large quantities of oil and oil related products, as well as gas. However the international pipeline networks are growing in age and operators therefore require equipment and procedures to assess the true state of their pipelines. It is for this reason that in-line inspection tools have been developed since the 1960" s. Modern intelligent Pigs utilize a variety of non-destructive testing techniques to Inspect pipelines for a variety of potential flaws and defects. In recent years operators have also started to run base-line surveys of newly constructed pipelines in order to obtain a "fingerprint" of the line which can be used as a reference for later inspections. This paper will introduce how the integrity assessment of pipelines can be achieved by use of modern intelligent pigs.

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