The Marmara-Bosphorus junction is a part of the Mediterranean-Aegean-Dardanelles-MarmaraBosphorus- Black Sea system through which the exchange of the water between Mediterranean and Black Sea takes place. Here, it has been installed a submarine pipeline as a part of a Hamidabad natural gas pipeline system transporting the Siberian gas of former USSR to AnkaraTurkiye. Institute of Marine Science and Technology of Dokuz Eylul University, tzmir, Turkiye has conducted comprehensive oceanographical measurement campaigns to assess the design parameters of this submarine pipeline in cooperation with Snamprogetti, Italy. This paper explains the studies conducted to understand the complex hydrodynamical regime of the Marmara-Bosphorus junction and the methodology adopted in the selection of the pertinent design parameters of the above mentioned pipeline system.


The Marmara-Bosphorus junction (hereafter called BMJ area) is a part of the MediterraneanAegean- Dardanelles-Marmara-Bosphorus system through which 1:he exchange of water between Mediterranean and Black Sea takes place (Fig. 1). The Sea of Marmara is a relatively small inter-continental basin with a surface area of 11500 kIn2 and a volume of 3378 kInJ. It is connected to the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea through the straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles, respectively. The Bosphorus is nearly 31 k/n in length, and its width varies between 0.7–3.5 kIn, with a mean depth of 35 m and a maximum depth of 110 m. The narrowest width occurs at about 12 kIn north of the southern end. The strong density stratification between incoming heavy Mediterranean water and the outgoing lighter Black Sea water, the presence of the Bosphorus Strait and the complex interactions between the adjacent basins, all contribute towards setting up a complex two layer flow regime in the BMJ area which has only recently begun to be understood.

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