
This paper presents laboratory studies of K. of two artificially cemented sands. A modified odometer ring capable of measuring lateral earth pressure at-rest was used for the tests. Test specimens were prepared using 0, 0.5, I, 2, 4 and 8% of portland cement. It IS found that K, of cemented sands decreases significantly with increasing cement content. The Influences of stress history, curing period and relative density on the value of Ko are also discussed.


Lateral stress In soils is an Important parameter for the design of retaining structures and foundations. In situ stress state affects both static and dynamic properties of Soils. Cemented sands exist naturally or are made artificially. Stabilization of sands using cement has been used to Increase the liquefaction resistance of foundations (Dupas and Pecker, 1979). Many naturally cemented sands are related to marine environments due to the precipitation of calcite cement and are found In coastal and offshore areas. The behavior of cemented sands has been proven to be different In many ways from that of uncemented sands. especially at low strain and stress. In the past decades, much attention has been drawn to the studies of the behavior of cemented sands for geotechnical applications. Laboratory tests were carried out to study the static behavior (Clough et. al.. 1981). the low strain dynamic properties (Acar and EI-Tahlr, 1986; and Saxena et a1., 1988), and the cyclic strength and liquefaction resistance (Dupas and Pecker, 1979; and Clough et al., 1989). In offshore engineering. the studies of the behavior of cemented sands are especially Important because It IS recognized that a large portion of the continental shelves IS covered With calcareous sediments which usually have cementation bonds among soil particles (Noorany, 1989; Poulos, 1988; and Murff, 1987).

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