This paper demonstrates the application of an improved Local Time-Stepping (LTS) scheme in hydrodynamic modeling, particularly for simulating tidal variations around a cross-scale marine terminal project. Employing 2D shallow water equations model, the LTS scheme enhances computational efficiency while maintaining accuracy, providing valuable insights for the project's design and layout.

This paper presents the practical application of the Local Time-Stepping (LTS) scheme in cross-scale hydrodynamics modeling. We employed an improved LTS scheme in a shallow water equation model to simulate tidal variations before and after the construction of a marine terminal project. Using a variable-resolution grid in the model, with grid cell widths as small as 5 meters near the project site and disparities up to 100 times between grid scales. The results indicate that when comparing the computational performance of the LTS scheme to the traditional global minimum time step scheme, the quantitative differences in the computed results are much smaller than the relative errors between the simulated and measured values. However, the LTS scheme significantly improves computational efficiency by employing the largest possible time steps consistent with stability conditions for each grid. The tidal field variations computed by this model before and after the engineering project provide essential prerequisites and theoretical foundations for project layout and structural design.


In the field of marine engineering, hydrodynamic simulation of terminal construction and its adjacent environment is essential for ensuring the scientific rigor and safety of engineering design. Especially in complex marine environments, accurate simulation of natural phenomena such as tides, and waves holds significant importance for the planning, construction, and operational management of marine terminal projects (Xiong Haibin et al., 2021; Ying et al., 2020). However, a primary challenge in this process is balancing the improvement of computational efficiency with the assurance of model accuracy, especially when addressing cross-scale complex marine simulations. Therefore, improving computational efficiency while maintaining model accuracy has emerged as an urgent requirement in the research field of marine engineering hydrodynamic models. The application of Local Time-Stepping (LTS) schemes (Hoang et al., 2019; Krivodonova, 2010; Lilly et al., 2023; Osher and Sanders, 1983), utilizing varied time steps across different grid scales, introduce a novel strategy for optimizing computational time management. This approach significantly enhances the overall model's computational efficiency and maintains required accuracy in high-resolution areas.

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