1-year hindcast simulation by using 5 wind input and dissipation source terms implemented on WAVEWATCH III are performed and validated against 15 measurements around Japan. As a result, a source term based on Ardhuin et al. (2010), ST4, shows the best performance and the average values of correlation coefficients for these locations, except one bad result, are 0.94 for the wave height and 0.83 for the wave period. It is also found that Pacific Ocean side is less accurate than Japan Sea side, especially for the wave periods. Also, the one bad result is improved by using UOST (Unresolved Obstacles Source Term).
Wave conditions are one of the key parameters for the design of offshore structures, planning the installation and O&M (Operation and Maintenance) schedules, etc. Although a wave measurement can be obtained or a measurement campaign is conducted in some project sites, wave simulations are still needed and able to contribute for some tasks in a project. For example, long-term metocean data is required as design parameters, or workability/weather downtime assessment. However, such a long-term measurement data is hardly obtained thus hindcast simulation by using wave model is needed. Also, real time wave forecast is referred during installation and/or O&M. In such a case, a simulation model based on physics is needed to predict future phenomena. For these reasons wave simulation takes important roles for offshore projects.
Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea, and may be consists of two wave environments, except inland sea. Japan Sea side, which is between Japan island and the Eurasian Continent is almost closed sea so wind-wave phenomena is dominated. On the other hand, Pacific Ocean side faces big ocean so swell dominated under calm conditions. Knowing characteristics of wave simulation accuracy under those conditions are important to estimate project uncertainties.