Fire safety is important to maritime safety. Fire-resisting divisions are the essential part of fire safety, and it aims to contain the fire in the space of origin. The design work is to compute fire integrities of boundary bulkheads and decks according to space fire risks in order to subdivide a ship by appropriately thermal and structural divisions. A 3D model of fire-resisting divisions is proposed to digitalize the design work in 3DExperience, and user-defined feature is introduced to integrate design knowledge. The accuracy of designed fire integrities can be guaranteed, and artificial omissions under duplication effort can be avoided.


Fire safety design is an important part of ship designs. Fire safety design can reduce the risk to life, and it can also reduce the risks of damage to ships, the cargo and the environment (Said, 1995; Wang, 2021). Fire safety systems consist of fire detection & alarm system, containment of fire and fire extinction system, etc. The containment of fire aims to contain the fire in the space of origin, which is very important to limit the spread of the danger caused by fire.

Ships of all types shall be subdivided into spaces by thermal and structural divisions which have fire integrities according to fire risks of adjacent spaces (LaMalva, 2018; Hugosson, 2011). Different types of fire protection materials, including the insulation and deck covering, are attached to the bulkheads and decks based on the corresponding fire integrities (Asaro, 2009; Lee, 2006; Evegren, 2017). The appropriate fire integrities contribute to maintain structural integrity under threaten caused by the fire. Besides, the fire integrity of the divisions shall be maintained at the openings and penetrations. The design of the door, hatch cover and penetrating pieces should take the fire integrity into account. The computations of fire integrities are the core work of fire-resisting division design, and the computations involve heavily repeated operations in the design process, especially for large ships. Digitalization of the design work provides the opportunity to enhance the quality and efficiency of the design work.

This paper proposes a novel design model of fire-resisting division in 3DExperience which is an excellent 3D platform of Dassault company for the engineering. User-defined feature (UDF) is introduced to integrate the core computations of fire integrities by using knowledge engineering, and UDF can be iteratively called to obtain fire integrities of thermal and structural boundaries in the whole ship

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