Offshore bridges play an important role under multi-hazard circumstances. Hence, it is necessary to consider the soil and structure interaction when we design a bridge subjected to dynamic loading. In this study, the ABAQUS finite element program is used to analyze the performance of bridge pier under soil and structure interaction. The finite element model of soil adapted the soil spring built upon the empirical equation proposed by API. To verify the feasibility of the soil spring model, the results of the nature frequency between the sandbox test and ABAOUS analysis are compared. It has been demonstrated that ABAQUS can solve the natural frequencies and vibration modes of bridge piers reliably. In addition, the displacement responses under earthquake between the sandbox test and soil spring model are compared and good agreement is obtained. Finally, a realistic highway bridge in Taiwan subjected to earthquake is analyzed and important conclusions are given.


When a bridge foundation is scoured and exposed, the structural stress behavior of the bridge changes. The purpose of a design taking into consideration the maximum possible bridge depth erosion is to protect the bridge after erosion.

Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the vibration of a system tends toward reaching its maximum magnitude. The maximum dynamic displacement can be several times the static displacement if the dominant frequency of the environmental load is close to or matches the natural frequency of the system. In seismic design, it is important to consider a bridge's dynamic behavior. Some of the most important dynamic characteristics of bridges include determining the natural frequency and mode.

Regardless of whether the foundation is an individual pile foundation or pile group foundation, it is a complex problem to analyze or simplify pile foundations under lateral loading conditions. Generally, the approach to a pile foundation analysis is to use the "elasticity approach" and the "p-y curve method," among others. In this study, the ABAQUS finite element program (Dassault Systemes Corporation, 2018) is used to analyze the nature characteristics of a bridge pier under the effect caused by soil and structure interaction. In this paper, the background theory on the p-y curve method proposed by the API, including presenting an empirical equation is reviewed first. Then, numerical simulation analyses including the finite element model and the material properties are described. Finally, the performance of a realistic highway bridge in Taiwan under dynamic loading is studied and conclusions for this investigation are given.

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