By referring to the effect of perforated caisson structure on wave abatement which is a new type of wharf structure, concrete block quay wall with wave dissipation hole structure was put forward. The effects of wave dissipation at the wharf front on different water depth, hole aperture and depth are measured under different wave parameters. Also, the relation between the reflectivity of wave and wave period and reflection wave height of semi-permeable block wharf are analyzed. This paper discusses the wave dissipation principle and the performance of the wharf structure, and elaborates the analysis of the influences of the wave attenuation of the concrete block quay wall with wave dissipation hole structure.
The mooring stability condition of the water area in front of the wharf is always an important index in the construction of coastal fishing port. At present, the common structural forms of wharf in fishing port engineering are shore wall type and air permeable type. However, the wave reflection of the shore wall type is large and the wave height is large, which increases the top elevation of the structural design and affects the stability of the ship. However, the permeable wharf does not have strong adaptability to horizontal load and has high cost. In the fishing port project, small and medium-sized fishing boats account for a relatively large proportion. Therefore, fishing boats have more stringent requirements on water wave height.
Since 1961, Canadian scholar Jarlan (1961) proposed the perforated caisson structure, because its structure can effectively reduce the wave reflection in front of the wharf, and the cost is low. It has been widely studied and applied in practical engineering by scholars from all over the world. Tanmoto (1982) et al. studied the wave dissipation characteristics of perforated caisson earlier through physical model test and theoretical analysis. Madesen (1983) used shallow water wave theory to solve the problem of vertical wave absorption factor. Zhao Zidan (1995)et al. studied the relationship between energy spectrum, reflection coefficient and bottom velocity of embankment. Shi Xiaodi(2011) et al. studied the wave reflection coefficient of perforated caisson with different porosity Wang Guoyu(2005) et al. used the basic idea of wave energy utilization for reference, proposed a new type of breakwater, and studied the influencing factors of its permeability and reflection coefficient. Zhao Jun(2017) studied the wave dissipation performance of three different types of permeable breakwater structures.