The strength behavior of dredged marine clay stabilized with basic oxygen furnace steel slag (BOS) changed at the specific curing time and can be classified as three zones; inactive zone (0.5 to 5h), active zone (5h to 3days), and moderate zone (3days to 90days). In addition, the BOS-treated clay showed the erosion at a certain velocity. Erodibility of BOS-treated clay was lower than that of clayey soil having similar strength.


A huge quantity of clayey soils for marine port development and maintenance of navigation channel have annually dredged in worldwide. Dredged soils have designated as wastes, and the possibility for recycling dredged soil has, therefore, been a major issue over the past few decades. On the other hand, basic oxygen furnace steel (BOS) slag, an industrial by-product generated from the steelmaking process, has mostly reused, but its utilization has a problem of concentrating on civil and road base materials as the coarse aggregate (Ahmedzade and Sengoz, 2009; Pasetto and Baldo, 2010). Hence, it is required to not only study the recycling of BOS slag as aggregate but also to expand various applications.

The BOS contains basically free-calcium (Free-CaO) and its chemical composition and mineralogy are similar to those of Portland cement (Belhadj et al., 2012; Deng et al., 2017). Based on the literature, the BOS can be used as an alternative binder or additive in place of lime and cement to improve the strength (Liu et al., 2014; Qiang et al., 2016).

Recently in Japan, the applicable feasibility of the BOS-treated dredged clay has applied as landfill and filling materials or submerged breakwater at the coastal area (Guidebook for Oceanographic Application of Converter Slag, 2008). In spite of the various application in Japan, there were very few studies of applicability of BOS-treated marine clay and was no evaluation for the strength development with respect to various curing times and hydraulic resistance property of stabilized marine clay.

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