This paper presents a new method to evaluate the stress intensity factor at the deepest position for welded plate joints with semi-elliptical surface crack in tension, based on maximum crack opening displacement (MCOD) of surface crack. T-butt plate joints are chosen as research objects, and series of values of MCOD and stress intensity factor (SIF) at the deepest point are obtained by finite element method. Subsequently, by the proposed method to calculate SIF by MCOD for the surface cracked finite plate model and various parametric effects analysis, the explicit expression of weld toe magnification factor (MK) is acquired by surface fitting. So, the simple method to calculate SIF at the deepest point enable to be realized when the MCOD is known. And then, this method is demonstrated to be suitable for any form of plate joints.
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The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 21–26, 2015
Kona, Hawaii, USA
New Simplified Method to Determine SIF for Welded T-Joints Made of Plates Based on Maximum Crack Opening Displacement
Jingjie Chen;
Jingjie Chen
Dalian University of Technology
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Yugang Li
Yugang Li
Dalian University of Technology
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
Paper Number:
June 21 2015
Chen, Jingjie, Huang, Yi, and Yugang Li. "New Simplified Method to Determine SIF for Welded T-Joints Made of Plates Based on Maximum Crack Opening Displacement." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
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