Low flow mortar grouting method is widely used in densifying loose soils or fill voids caused by sinkholes, poorly compacted fills, and soft ground improvement. Also, it is used in preventing liquefaction, releveling settled structures, and using compaction bulbs as structural elements of minipiles or underpinning. But the effects of ground improvement depending on the type of soil must be studied in order to adopt in various soils. In this study, characteristics analysis of the ground improvement and the effectiveness of reinforcement were grasped by this study which shows applied ground by low flow mortar grouting method in domestic 6 sites. After compaction grouting, strength characteristics of the ground are much better than before compaction grouting through the results of the standard penetration test, the dynamic cone penetration test, the vane test and laboratory test using performance evaluation of linear regression. Especially improvement of strength was shown over 17% by compaction grouting through prediction formulas in sand.
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The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 21–26, 2015
Kona, Hawaii, USA
Measured Ground Improvement after Low Mobility Grouting
Jong-Nam Do;
Jong-Nam Do
Korea Expressway Research Institute
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Moon-Seok Nam;
Moon-Seok Nam
Korea Expressway Research Institute
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Hong-Jong Kim;
Hong-Jong Kim
Korea Expressway Research Institute
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Young-Ho Park;
Young-Ho Park
Korea Expressway Research Institute
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Byung-Sik Chun
Byung-Sik Chun
Korea Construction Industry Research Institute
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
Paper Number:
June 21 2015
Do, Jong-Nam, Nam, Moon-Seok, Kim, Hong-Jong, Park, Young-Ho, and Byung-Sik Chun. "Measured Ground Improvement after Low Mobility Grouting." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
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