
In-situ capping is designed to isolate and stabilize the undersea contaminated sediment. Though in-situ capping is being applied, longterm stability to keep the pollutants from being discharged needs to be carefully studied. Hydraulic model testing using a wave generator was carried out to identify the erosion for required cap thickness to be maintained, which are a critical factor to determine long-term stability of in-situ capping. 0.075~0.425 mm sand was used as capping material by applying 1:10 scale factor. The capping material was placed by a one-touch opening device in a wave channel before generating the wave, and then various wave conditions were imposed so as to monitor the geometry change of cap which was formed by a mound of the capping material. Consequently, with a 50-year frequency wave height at a proposed site, very little erosion was monitored but causing excessive erosion by increasing wave height.

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