
This study focuses on the numerical simulations of the flow around tandem cylinders placed in the vicinity of a rigid, horizontal, plane wall. The cylinders are immersed close to a plane wall in a steady current with a logarithmic boundary layer profile at an intermediate, subcritical Reynolds number (Re = 1.31 x 104). The distance between the cylinder centres is L/D = 2 and 5 and the gap between the cylinders and the wall is G/D = 1. Three-dimensional Large Eddy Simulations (LES) with Smagorinsky subgrid scale model are performed using the open-source code OpenFOAM. The present results are analysed through the values of drag and lift coefficients, as well as by the details of the flow fields in the near wake of the cylinders. The results are qualitatively compared to the results of the flow around tandem cylinders for both L/D = 2 and 5, as well as to the case of a single cylinder near a plane wall.

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