Offshore cages are designed to avoid further negative environmental damage in the coastal area while enable sustainable aquaculture growth. However, little is known about the environmental impact from this culturing activity in China. The objective of this study is to simulate the environmental impact from offshore cage farming through hydrodynamic model and to provide suggestions on the environmental management. The simulated results showed that the distribution pattern of the dissolved wastes were consistent with the current direction. The concentration of the dissolved wastes was acceptable and phosphorus was the key parameter that controls the cage farming development in Jiaonan area. We also found that hydrodynamic model was a powerful approach for aquaculture environmental assessment.
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The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 21–26, 2015
Kona, Hawaii, USA
Application of Hydrodynamic Model on Environmental Management of Offshore Cage Farming
Yonghua Ren
Yonghua Ren
Zhejiang Ocean University
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
Paper Number:
June 21 2015
Cai, Huiwen, Zhang, Xueqing, Sun, Yinglan, Li, Tiejun, Wu, Changwen, and Yonghua Ren. "Application of Hydrodynamic Model on Environmental Management of Offshore Cage Farming." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
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