A wind tunnel experiments on the suppression of vortex-induced vibration for large mass-damping-parameter (m*ζ=1.415) cylinders attached with fairings is investigated. For the bare cylinder, the nondimensional response amplitude is far less than the low massdamping cases and the typical maximum amplitude response region falls into a large reduced velocity (Ur) range, which can be considered due to large mass-damping value based on the analysis of the previous studies called as "natural frequency" region. For the faired attaching cylinders at the shape angles of 60, 75 and 90 degrees at Ur from 2 to 40, the maximum and RMS response amplitudes of cylinder with fairings are far less than those of the bare cylinder both in the CF and IL directions. The suppression effort of 60° fairing is the most optimal case with the CF RSM amplitude reduction by 67%. The Strouhal number of fairings is also smaller than that of bare cylinder.
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The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
June 21–26, 2015
Kona, Hawaii, USA
Wind Tunnel Experiment on Suppression of Vortex induced Vibration for Circular Cylinder with Fairings at Large Mass-Damping Parameter
Leixiang Sheng
Leixiang Sheng
CNOOC Research Center
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
Paper Number:
June 21 2015
Wang, Jiasong, Suijuan, _, Tian, Zhongxu, Jiang, Shiquan, Xu, Liangbin, and Leixiang Sheng. "Wind Tunnel Experiment on Suppression of Vortex induced Vibration for Circular Cylinder with Fairings at Large Mass-Damping Parameter." Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA, June 2015.
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