
The purpose of this study is to establish a numerical model in order to consider the dynamic behavior of PUF for evaluation of dynamic response and strength of membrane type LNG CCS under the impact load. To do this, at first, the visco-plastic behavior of PUF was characterized through testing PUF response on the impact loads with various strain rates as well as PUF densities and temperatures with room and cryogenic condition. With the results, PUF material model was established to simulate the dynamic behavior under impact loading using the material test results and FE analysis. To verify the validation of the established material model, simulations were performed for experimental applications, which are dry drop test, and the results of FEA were compared to those of experiment. From the results, it was found that the dynamic response of PUF in dry drop tests such as the reaction force and fracture behaviors could be successfully simulated by the material model proposed in this study.

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