Previous studies have shown that injection of chemical solutions through the anode during electro-osmosis is effective in strengthening soft clay. However, the region of improvement is mostly limited to the anode or cathode region. The objective of this study is to expand region of improvement using a novel technique of installing a relay pipe between the anode and the cathode and a suitable operation procedure for the injection of calcium chloride solution, followed by the injection of sodium silicate solution. Results of this study found that with injection through both the anode and the relay pipe, the improvement area nearly covered the entire specimen and its average cone resistance could be raised to nine times more than that of the untreated soil. Injection of calcium chloride solution for a rational injection time, followed by the injection of sodium silicate solution, could yield a fairly good improvement result for the entire sample. The rational time for the injection of calcium chloride solution can be obtained by selecting the time between the first and second turning points on the relational curve of total drained water volume and injection time.
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The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
June 30–July 5, 2013
Anchorage, Alaska
Application of Electroosmotic Chemical Treatment to Improve Soft Clay in Practice
Chang-Yu Ou;
Chang-Yu Ou
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
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Pio-Go Hsieh
Pio-Go Hsieh
Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology
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Paper presented at the The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 2013.
Paper Number:
June 30 2013
Chien, Shao-Chi, Ou, Chang-Yu, and Pio-Go Hsieh. "Application of Electroosmotic Chemical Treatment to Improve Soft Clay in Practice" Paper presented at the The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 2013.
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