The performance in the wave-energy absorption is studied using an asymmetric floating body equipped with rotating pendulum-type wavepower generator. In the present model, an electric-power generator is supposed to be set at the center of smaller circular cylinder which rotates on the interior circular surface of a floating body without sliding. By considering the case where only the roll motion is allowed for the floating body, the conditions for maximizing the wave absorption efficiency are obtained and it is shown analytically that the maximum wave absorption efficiency becomes equal to 1.0 if those conditions are satisfied. Numerical computations are also performed for the case where all modes of floating-body motion are free, from which it is confirmed that the maximizing conditions obtained analytically for a single mode of roll motion can be effectively used as a guide for obtaining a higher wave absorption efficiency even for the case where all modes of floating-body motion are free. It is also shown that the wave absorption efficiency becomes higher around two resonant frequencies in the roll motion of floating body and the swing motion of inner circular cylinder.

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