Structure design codes for wind turbine towers have not been standardized in Taiwan up to today. Therefore, in this study we start from a theoretical approach, regression of wind speed power spectrum, and establish the procedure of the displacement gust response factor (DGRF) for design wind turbine towers. This paper uses the Central Weather Bureau, Air Force of Taiwan, the radiosonde of surveys data, and relevant research. On the other hand, in this study employed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to analyze the fundamental period and obtain the maximum response of along-wind force. Furthermore, a benchmark of wind turbine towers set up for analysis of wind-resistant design (WRD). A benchmark model is based on the VESTA's 660 Kw prototype to compare DGRF with the influence coefficient method and gust effect method (GEF). The results of this research highlight the following:
Kaimal's formulation is close to the proposal formulation of wind speed power spectrum in Taiwan.
Peak loads calculated using GRF (G=2.23) is near to the influence coefficient method (G=2.4) and larger than the Taiwan's 2006 wind code (G=1.82).