Coal gasification technology is considered as the best alternative for both of the high efficiency and clean coal utilization. However, it is still fairly expensive, so many coal gasification technologies are under being developed to achieve lower capital cost. We aim to develop such technology by adopting special feature of swirl burner. At first, heat & mass balance simulation by process simulator was conducted to estimate gas composition. Next, CFD analysis for reactive flow in the top feeding multi-burner gasifier was performed. In addition, some engineering calculations were carried out for the conceptual design of 3 ton/day-class coal gasification system.


Coal gasification technology is considered as the best alternative for both of the high efficiency and clean coal utilization and can be applied to the various industrial areas such as IGCC, CTL, SNG production and so on. However, the technology is fairly expensive compared to the simple pulverized coal combustion, if not considering CCS(Carbon Capture and Sequestration). So, many coal gasification technologies are under being developed to achieve lower capital cost as well as high efficiency and high cleanness. We aim to develop such technology by adopting special feature of swirl flow. At first, heat and mass balance simulations by both ASPEN process simulator and simple engineering method were conducted to estimate gas composition to get design data for the determination of gasifier size. Next CFD analysis for reactive flow in the top feeding multi-burner was conducted to understand the characteristics of swirl flow such as effective mixing, flow uniformity and particle behavior in the gasifier. One and three dimensional heat conduction analyses were done for the refractory design, e.g., selection of proper materials and their depth of three refractory layers, respectively, and for the calculation of heat loss to the gasifier wall.

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