Gas hydrate is a promising alternate energy to cater to the future fuel requirement of the world. Exploration for identifying gas hydrate occurrence is a nascent science. Identifying location of gas hydrate pocket is challenging task and there is no readymade technological tool available for validating the ship based observations. As a first step, a work class Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has been designed and developed at NIOT in joint collaboration with EDBOE, Russia. This paper describes the capabilities of ROV and its application for gas hydrate exploration in Indian seas.
Exploration for identifying gas hydrate occurrence is a nascent science in international scenario. Identifying location of gas hydrate pocket is a challenging task and there is no readymade technological tool available for validating the ship based observations. In India as a first step, a work class Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has been designed and developed at National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) in joint collaboration with Experimental Design Bureau of Oceanological Engineering (EDBOE), Russia. This paper describes the technical and scientific background leading to the successful sea trial operation of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and its application for gas hydrate exploration in Indian margins. This system developed is called ROSUB 6000 which is designed and developed to cater the scientific requirement of deep water exploration with sonar, sensor, imaging devices and samplers like VICTOR 6000 (Michel, 2003). It will be utilized for the purpose of Polymetallic nodule exploration investigation in ~5300 m water in Indian Ocean and Gas hydrate exploration in Indian continental margins at depth of 1000 to 3000 m water depth. Basically ROSUB 6000 comprises of following major sub systems which are integrated and tested using the new acquired technology demonstration scientific research vessel of NIOT namely ORV Sagar Nidhi.