To utilize ocean wave energy, it is essential to convert the wave energy into more suitable forms efficiently. The authors have been developing a wave energy converter that offers high efficiency. The system consists of a float and a gyroscope. Gyroscopic moment is applied to convert wave energy into electric power. This system is a purely mechanical one and does not require turbines. This paper presents the field test results of the system prototypes. The results indicate that the system can efficiently convert wave energy into electric power.


Wave energy, like solar or wind energies, is one of the renewable energies. Many researchers have developed and tested different types of devices that convert wave energy into more useful forms (McCormick, 2007; Takahashi, 2009). In wave energy converters, the efficiency of the conversion is an important factor. The authors have been developing a wave energy converter that offers high efficiency (Kanki, 2006). The converter is a floating wave energy conversion system that applies gyroscopic moment (referred as gyro system, hereafter).

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