This paper analyses the oil-leak mechanism based on synthesis on the process of oil-leakage during accident, and presents a multiphase flow model coupling the behaviour of oil outflow from tankers and sea water inflow into tank in a common fluid field between inside and outside of the broke hole. This model is solved by using the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. And model experiments on leakage from underwater hole are provided. Some characteristic of multiphase flow is revealed by experimental and numerical study, and the numerical result is quite consistent with the experimental one. The study results help to grasp the complex oil-leakage characteristics, and reduce the amount of oilleakage, decrease the pollution of the oceans.
In the course of oil storage and transportation, the probability that the oil spills on sea as a result of the tanker breakage is high. Once the oilleakage occurs, a large quantity of oil would leak to sea, which causing pollution and economic losses. There is a growing awareness of the behavior of liquid cargo leak and important for reducing the leakage of economic benefits. Although the oil spill on sea was described in extensive literatures, the study on the behavior of liquid cargo leak from an accident damaged tank is relatively less. The current method of calculating the amount of oil spills in general is based on the new MARPOL convention. The accidental oil outflow estimates are developed in accordance with probabilistic and deterministic models of IMOs MARPOL Annex I Regulations 13F and 13G. And an estimating case presented in the paper (Daidola, JC, Reyling, CJ and Ameer, PG, 1997) may provide oil spill response and related organizations with information to assist in planning for oil spill response activities. However, it is not conducive to quick emergency treatment.