Studies on the estimation of hydroelastic response of ultra-large container ships have been conducted with comparative verification between experimental and numerical results in order to accurately estimate the hull structural strength due to whipping and springing. Tank tests using a 12,000TEU ultra-large container ship model in regular and irregular waves were carried out in order to investigate the influence of hydroelastic responses on the hull structural strength of ultra-large container ships and to verify the validity of numerical simulations. Time domain numerical simulations of the 12,000TEU container ship were carried out by using the latest nonlinear strip method in order to estimate the hydroelastic response. The numerical results were compared with results of the tank tests. It is confirmed that the numerical code accurately estimates the hydroelastic responses such as the whipping and springing of the first order as well as higher orders of harmonic resonance. Furthermore, in order to verify the practical applicability of the numerical simulations for actual hydroelastic responses on full-scale container ships, the numerical simulations of a 6,400 TEU post-Panamax container ship were performed in rough seas encountered by the full scale ship in service. The numerical results were compared with results of the full scale measurements. Finally, it is found that the applied nonlinear strip method, for practical purposes, is an applicable way for estimating the hydroelastic responses such as whipping and springing on ultra-large container ships.


In recent years the size of container ships have continued to increase causing greater challenges in technological aspects for ship designers. Recently, ultra-large container ships having a carrying capacity of over 10,000 TEU are likely to be in operation. Structural rigidity of ultra-large container ships may become relatively smaller than that of the majority of ships currently in operation due to the increased size, and increased length in particular.

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