Many engineering facilities, working on ocean shelf, have in the structure composite thin-wall structures. These structures interact with the abutting liquid. The problem of oscillations of such design is esteemed in view of influencing a liquid. The composite connected problem "shell - liquid" is esteemed. The problem is decided correctly in hydroelastic statement. The solution is reached by numerical method by combination of a module-element method (for a complex structures) and boundary element method (for a semi-infinite liquid). The special three-dimensional module-element for elastic structures and special tree-dimensional module-boundary element for a liquid are designed.


Examples of complex thin-shelled designs interacting to a fluid are a ship body or impervious underwater part of a marine drilling platform. The solution of a problem on a dynamic strength of such designs in correct statement is reduced to consideration of a connected system "shell - fluid". It is a composite theoretical and mathematical problem. The solution is possible on the basis of the numerical methods. One of such methods is the module-element method (Postnov and Taranukha, 1990 and 1991; Taranukha and Leyzerovitch, 2005). The solution is reached by combination of a module-element method and a boundary element method (Brebbia, Telles and Wrobel, 1984). At implementation of a tendered method it is necessary to overcome three problems. A problem first - correct registration of influencing on a shell from abutting liquid. The complexity is, that the oscillations of an elastic shell and oscillations of a fluid are connected with each other and influence against each other. A problem second - procedure of a docking of module-elements of a shell with boundary elements of a fluid. The complexity is that for a fluid there are no boundary elements formulated in ideas of a module-element method.

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