For the ship which has a large superstructure, the effects of a wind on the performances of it are significant. Therefore, to optimize the design of it, it is also important to understand the characteristics of wind pressure acting on superstructures. As a first step, a full scale model test in the wind tunnel is carried out, and the wind forces acting on a model with superstructure are measured. Next, a CFD program based on the Cubic-Interpolated Pseudo-Particle scheme is developed, in order to investigate the characteristics of wind flow around superstructures. Finally, a reduction method of wind forces and a effective use of them are investigated.


Although economic activities are rapidly contracting in the wake of the subprime problem, marine transportation volume has been significantly increasing over the past several years because of emerging market countries. Ships are being upsized to handle the massive quantity of shipments; ships such as pure care carriers (PCCs) and container vessels have large superstructures depending on types of the ships Such ships have been often influenced by wind strongly during a rough weather, and this influence is expected to become more remarkable as the superstructures get larger. Tanaka(2003) has pointed out that especially the wind pressure exerted on the superstructures leads to speed radiation due to an oblique sailing and check helm, so the wind pressure is desired to be minimized in terms of economic efficiency and safety. Thus, it is very important to know properties of the wind pressure on the superstructures. In the present study, a wind tunnel experiment using a model ship of a PCC, which is one of the ships with large superstructures, is conducted and the wind pressure acting on the body of the ship is measured.

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