A comprehensive simulation using a 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model was conducted to describe the specific circulation patterns driven by wind and tide forcing in Manila Bay. High correlation is obtained between simulation derived and measurement derived tidal characteristics. The wind driven flow using mean seasonal wind forcing (NE, SE, and SW) creates different circulation gyres over manila bay. The current variability in shallow areas is influenced by the prevailing winds. Likewise, the temperature and salinity distribution of Manila Bay waters is characterized by strong seasonal variations, and exhibits two dominant patterns.


Coastal areas are remarkably attractive sites for human settlement, they are among the most productive, yet threatened, ecosystems around us. The increasing urbanization has destroyed the coastal habitats and estuaries which serve as spawning grounds for many economically important marine resources. The Philippines have long coastlines and fishing areas, which are very much economically important. Among others, Manila Bay faces serious estuarial problems with severe socio-economic consequences. During the past years, signs of environmental stress were manifested from numerous activities: inappropriate land use, poor agricultural practices, pollution, erosion, and over-exploitation of coastal resources. The water quality is intensely affected by pollutants and has continually deteriorated due to increased discharges of domestic and industrial waste as well as an increased loading in anthropogenic contamination [Environmental Management Bureau, Manila Bay Monitoring Program, 1992]. To reproduce the water quality characteristics by calculation analysis in the future, it is imperative to reconstruct the circulation pattern of Manila Bay and further elucidate its hydrodynamic characteristic. This will facilitate the development of an ecosystem-based model to evaluate coastal policy management and adopt science-based solutions to management issues. Like many ecosystems, Manila Bay shows spatial and temporal variability. As such, this present study employed a comprehensive approach based on 3-dimensional numerical simulation using the MEC (Marine Environmental Committee in Japanese Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers) model in investigating the hydrodynamic characteristics of the bay.

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