The land reclamation area of Saemangeum in Korea is located between 126°10′E~126°50′E and 35°35′N~36°05′N at the western coast of the Korea. The 33 km sea dike and 40,100 ha reclamation area is being constructed in the Saemangeum area in Korea. Such large-scale coastal land reclamation project will certainly influence the marine environment and ecosystem in this area. It is necessary that the submerged breakwater could minimize and compensate the negative impacts in the marine environment and ecosystem caused by the marine construction. The submerged breakwater can function as a artificial fish reef and disaster prevention of the coast. The purpose of the study is to investigate hydraulic characteristics by change in the crest width, wave transmission, and porosity in case of permeable, impermeable, and horizontal plate submerged breakwater.


Recently, the importance of the preservation of natural environments and the development of Water-Front has been emphasized. However, coastal structures, i.e., conventional breakwaters, which were constructed from the sea bottom to the sea surface, could deteriorate water quality by blocking the exchange of seawater. Therefore, the submerged breakwater, which has better performance for coastal environments and ecosystem conservations, has been preferred and researched. The reclamation area of Saemangeum has a range of 5.6m spring tide and the maximum tidal current speed is about 1.41m/sce in ordinary spring tide. Most of the sediments deposited on the tidal flats are transported from the Geum river, the Mankyung river and the Dongjin river. The soil in this area consists of silt sand with the depth of 10m to 30m. The wind in winter is strong from the direction of northwest. In the past twenty years, land reclamation projects for agricultural purpose or industrial complex have been mostly implemented along the western coast of Korea.

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