The program calculates the container securing forces and decides an optimum stock arrangement on upper deck of container ship. At first, equilibrium equations for container securing forces were established by a unified matrix form and the calculated forces are verified by the programs which four Classifications such as GL, ABS, DNV and LR distributed. When maximum stack weight is determined, the arrangement plan of containers with higher vertical center of gravity satisfying the requirements of the Classifications is essential for the efficient operation of the container cargo. An optimum stack arrangement algorithm was developed and combined into container securing system to consider this design situation efficiently. Rules of four Classifications mentioned above are applied to the calculation of container securing system and graphic user interface system is also introduced for convenience of users.
Most Classifications have their own guide for certification of container securing systems and issue certificates for the securing systems which are constructed and installed under their supervision according to the requirements of the guide. The main goal in this study is developing a program which decides an optimum stack arrangement and calculates the securing forces satisfying the requirements of the Classifications. An establishment of equilibrium equations for container securing forces to apply to all the Classifications is needed and in this study it is adjusted by a unified matrix form and verified by the programs which four Classifications such as GL, ABS, DNV and LR distributed. Basic loads to be taken into account in container securing calculations are as follows: static gravitational forces, dynamic forces associated with ship motions, wind forces, lashing or other securing forces. Container securing forces used as constraints for the requirements of the Classifications include racking forces, lashing forces, compression forces, corner post loads and lifting forces.