According to statistics, ship grounding is a fair]), frequent type of accident in Finnish waters. The structural innovations, such as double bottom hull and internal subdivisions, improve ship safety and din-finish risk of environmental disasters (oil spilling). Actually, dynamics of this kind of cargo vessel collision with a rigid obstacle frock) is considered in terms of contact problem using the FE program ABAQUS (Explicit version). ABAQUS explicit contact algorithm may help to evaluate quantitatively (in terms of stress and deformation state, kinetic energy dissipation due to plastic strain accumulation etc.) the extent and nature of damages. Another more complicated bottom structure is used. Namely, the lower bottom is presented as a steel sandwich panel with vertical inner webs 100 and 340 mm high. Two versions of sandwich panels are considered: an empty panel and a panel filled with supporting plastic foam. Performance of sandwich bottom structure is compared with the previously studied single plated structure. 1.


Usually numerical approach to the ship grounding, ship collision and similar events is restricted to modeling of a piece of ship hull entering into contact with a piece of another structure. Real boundary conditions (6 degree of freedom at every boundary node in case of shell structure) of these models are usually replaced by clumped edges or other artificial supports. In other words there is little common between these numerical models and real ships except steelwork. Actually contacting bottom structure is considered as an integrated pan of entire ship. It enables to observe ship behaviour after collision. As an example of ship FE meshing a tanker is chosen. This ship has had a grounding accident and consequent damages were examined and measured providing thus a kind of qualitative comparison to the numerical data (J. Luukkonen, 1999).

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