The installation of the protection structure with a skirt foundation was completed at the Misaki-cho in the south of Osaka prefecture, September 2000. This protection, awarded from the Osaka Prefectural Land Development Corporation, was installed at the front end of the loading jetty to supply a reclamation soil for the Second phase development of the Kansai International Airport.The main functions of this structure are to protect the loading jetty from the accidental impact of barges and to change the navigation direction of them. The protection employed the skirt foundation consisting of thin concrete walls projecting down into the soil. The skirt was penetrated into the required depth by applying a suction inside skirt compartments, to maintain the stability under the design loads due to a ship impact, earthquake or storm. Through the above construction the preloading effect was confirmed because the large imposed load at the skirt penetration considerably reduced the settlement due to the sand filling.
(I) Location The Osaka Prefectural Land Development Corporation has been arranging the large scale and multi-purpose green areas and related facilities at the Misaki-cho in the south of Osaka prefectur¢. TI~e project will also supply soils coming from the land preparation to the reclamation of the artifitial island for the Second phase development of the Kansai International Airport. The protection structure (termed "protection") for the loading jetty of the reclamation soils has been designed, fabricated and installed in 1999–2000.Barges pushed by boats will shuttle between the loading jetty and Kansai International Airport to transport reclamation soils.The size of barges is approx. 10,000 DWT and the safe navigation of them will be supported by the protection installed in front of the jetty head. (figure 1 shown in paper)