The tensile strength characteristics of friction welded joints of several aluminum alloys (AI050, A2017, A6061) to stainless steel (SUS304) were investigated by statistical analysis such as normal distribution and Weibull distribution. The results are as follows. The joint etfficiencies of joints obtained under an optimum welding condition followed by good joint showed a near normal distribution with higher mean value and small variation, and furthermore showed a Weibull distribution with large shape parameter and small coefficient of variance. While, the joint efficiencies of joints obtained under the unsuitable welding condition followed by poor joint showed a plus or minus distortion distzibution with large variation and showed a Weibull distribution with small shape parameter and large coefficient of variance. Thus, the optimum welding condition could be obtained in the case of AI050 to SUS304 and A6061 to SUS304, but couldn't be obtained in the case of A2017 to SUS304 in this experiment.
Stabilized friction welded joint of an aluminum alloy and a stainless steel is requested as various electrical and mechanical part recently. However, the generated condition of a compound layer formed in the welded interface in this kind of joint differs in fringe and cen~al part of the interface, and shows variation which affects on the dispersion of the joint strength ‘’ By the way, the researches of the author et al. have clarified that there are much difference of easiness of the friction welding among each aluminum alloy to stainless steel, and moreover, dispersion of the joint efficiency much depends on materials and friction welding conditions 2.3) In this study, many kinds of aluminum alloys to the stainless steel were fi'iction welded for each ffiiction welding condition in order to analyze the joint efficiency statistically.