A three dimensional numerical model which simulates the transport processes in stratified coastal veaters is presented. The model computes the tbll spatial distribution of velocities of unsteady flow induced by wind, tide or water density difterences. The model consists of hydrodynamic, transport and turbulence model components. The governing equations written in the Cartesian coordinates, are solved by the Galerkin Weighted Residual Method in the vertical plane and by Iinite difference approximations in the horizontal plane. The water depths are divided into the same number of layers following the bottom topography. Therefore, the vertical layer thickness is proportional to the local water depth. Higher resolution can be achieved either by increasing the number of layers, or by grid clustering. The governing equations are solved implicitly. The finite difference approximations can handle the variations in the horizontal mesh sizes. The flooding and drying processes can be considered in the treatment of shoreline boundaries. The model is applied to Mannaris Bay located at the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. Circulation patterns induced by the wind and the tidal action are simulated.
The coastal environment is often viewed as a convenient place ter disposal of waste, capable of absorbing almost unlimited quantities of pollutants. The pollutant tenn may cover a mixture of environmental waste products, including the thecal products, wastfing water, industrial, commercial solutes and storm runoff: Once a pollutant is discharged into the coastal body, it is transported and dispersed by flows induced by tidal or non-tidal forces. Therelbre the detailed knoMedge of coastal mass transport is very crucial Ibr reliable predictions. The coastal mass transport processes can be subdivided into tidal and non4idal transport processes.