The SmartPlug is designed to isolate high pressure inside pipelines and risers, thus permitting pipeline maintenance and repair without losing the contents and without the need to depressurise or decommission the pipeline. Use of this tool to isolate pressure also allows dry laying and tie-in during construction of new pipelines. The SmartPlug comprises two Plug Modules, each of which is currently designed to withstand 150 bar differential pressure. Two bi-directional Pigging and Control Modules at each end of the SmartPlug ensure suitable pigging characteristics. The tool is designed to traverse minimum bend radii of 1.5D. The Control Module contains hydraulic system w/valves, battery pack, computer hardware and software, as well as an antenna that enables through pipe wall communication. An Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Subsea Communication Link sitting on the seabed outside the pipeline ensures through wall communication with the SmartPlug inside the pipeline. An acoustic link ensures command and information transfer between the topside computer and the SmartPlug. The topside operator operate the SmartPlug to set and un-set, in addition to monitor various parameters such as pipeline pressure, annulus pressure and status of the tool. The system is based on reliable off the shelf standard components and designed to ensure redundancy as required.


The SmartPlugs (Remote Controlled Isolation Tool System) are remotely controlled and operated (umbilical-less) pipeline isolation systems used for isolation of oil and gas pipelines in all dimensions. They are designed, manufactured, and tested to withstand 150 barg operating pressure. Communication with the SmartPlugs for typical subsea application is done from a surface vessel, via acoustic signals to a subsea module, through the pipeline wall via Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves, and all critical parameters such as pressures and temperatures are monitored.

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