Ice scouring is a phenomenon which occurs when moves in contact with seabed. It has been reported to have caused damage to communication cables and water intake pipelines. Therefore, it will be very important to estimate rational maximum scour depth due to complicate behavior of ice, and will also be very important to evaluate forces acting on sea bed and stress that is transmitted via the seabed and deformation of soil. In our previous researches, we concluded that local fluctuations in ice forces (bulldozing forces) in the horizontal direction depended on the slope at the corresponding point on the scour curve(the path of motion of the model ice in plane), and in many cases, ice was tend to move upward. If we understand its mechanisms, we could estimate more rational maximum scour depth. So, it is important to acknowledge the behavior of ice at a time of ice scouring. We have developed the rational experimental device system as compared to previous device system (Kioka and Sacki,1999). Under the renewal conditions, we conducted a lot of test series, and we revealed relationships between ice forces and behavior of ice, variations of its behavior due to varies condition (attack angle, travelling velocity). And we also revealed the probability distribution of some random variable under the same experimental condition.


Ice scour is a phenomenon in which ice (pressure ridge, hummock or iceberg) pushed by wind or sea currents from an offshore ice field scrapes the sea bottom, and the sea ice exerts a great force on the sea bottom. This phenomenon has been reported to have caused damage to transatlantic underwater telecommunication cables and to water intake pipelines e.g. (Duval.1975, Green et a1.1983, Noble et a1.1980, Grass.1984).

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