This paper deals with results of studies of the ice cover offshore northern Sakhalin that were conducted over many years (1982 – 1995). A number of functions have been obtained which describe physical-mechanical (strength) parameters and their relation to temperature and salinity of the ice cover.


The physic-mechanical parameters of the ice cover determine its load on shelf hydraulic structures and are, therefore, essential. Of those parameters, ice compression and bending strength are most critical. Besides, to solve a number of engineering problems, one must know such characteristics as cohesion of ice and its angle of internal friction, and also tensile strength. The above parameters were studied over a long period of time (1982 – 1995) with the participation of SakhalinNIPlmorneft, and were financially supported by OAO Rosneft- Sakhalinmorneftegaz.


At a data analysis of tests of ice on an uniaxial compression the large significance has the account of conditions, at which one they were conducted, as at a modification of these conditions the outcome can vary on the order. Region of sampling of cores:

  • On a drifting ice it is north-east shelf of Sakhalin from Odoptu Bay up to Chaivo Bay (4503 samples of ice);

  • On land fast ice - Chaivo Bay (735 samples of ice). Research of strength of ice for an uniaxial compression basically were made on samples selected perpendicularly of a freezing plane.

Bored by a jumper drill the cores (0.14 M) were sawn by a handheld saw in the template on samples of height 0.14 m. Before test temperature of samples was gauged, and after test the wreckages of ice for the subsequent definition(determination) of their salinity were taken.

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