A field indentation test using a vertical sided structural model was implemented for four consecutive winter seasons started in 1996 at Notoro Lagoon, Hokkaido (44°05"N,144"10'E). The fundamental mechanical and physical properties of the sea ice sheet were measured. The characteristics of the first-year sea ice are reported in this paper. Statistical data showed that the distribution of the compressive strength is approximated bv a log-normal distribution (three population parameters). The other mechanical indexes, bending strength, shear strength and tensile strength were correlated to the compressive strength. The strength of the sea ice itself was not as high as that in other areas, when compared with data available in the literatures. This may result from its crystallographic structure in which ice formation is not proceeded firmly. The broad dispersion in density and salinity supports this point of view.
A field indentation test using a vertical sided structural model was implemented for four consecutive winter seasons starting in 1996 at Notoro Lagoon, Hokkaido. In parallel with it, the fundamental mechanical and physical properties of the sea ice sheet such as compressive strength and salinity were measured. The total data bank should supply useful information for the design of ocean structures in the Sea of Okhotsk This paper reports the characteristics of the first-year sea ice at Notoro Lagoon. Statistical data of the compressive strength showed that the distribution of the compressive strength is approximated by a log-normal distribution (three population parameters) or by a Weibull distribution. Other mechanical indexes, bending strength, shear strength and tensile strength, were correlated to the compressive strength. Equations for estimating compressive strength of the ice were obtained by some researchers with parameters such as ice temperature, salinity, brine volume and strain rate.