In this study, the mathematical modeling of contaminant movements in the porous medium was evaluated in order to determine the potential ground water pollution in Eski~ehir region. Analytical solutions of mathematical modeling were done to show the distributions of contaminant concentrations by graphically. Multi-flow computer programming was used to determine the distribution of contaminant concentrations with respect to time and length. The distributions of contaminant concentrations from the contaminant source were determined with respect to time, length, thickness of aquifer, the velocity of ground water and dispersivity. The distribution length of contaminants such as nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, methyl-alkalinity and phenol were determined using the mathematical model modeling. Contaminant source was also considered as a continuos point source in the mathematical model. The distribution length of concentration of contaminant was determined at any time interval. It was observed that contaminant concentrations increases with increasing the coefficient of dispersivity and decreases with increasing the thickness of aquifer and velocity of ground water flow. The distribution length of contaminant from the source depend on the geometry and geological situations of porous medium. It was also determined that contaminants reaches from the source to water supply well 1000 days later. From this study, the potential pollution of ground water can be effectively estimated in advance.


Ground water can be polluted by leachate from municipal and chemical landfills and abandoned dumping sites, acci dental spills of chemicals or waste materials, improper underground injection of liquid wastes, and placement of septic tank systems in hydrologically and geologically unsuitable locations. These contaminants consist of heavy metals, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, organic matter, manganese, phenol and sulfate. Therefore, modeling of potential groundwater pollution is needed to determine the contamination of ground water.

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