This reference is for an abstract only. A full paper was not submitted for this conference.


The term "Mature Fields" normally evokes connotations of rising costs and diminished expectations, yet the emerging sub-surface, with its utterly different sets of rules and attributes, is changing our paradigms and spurring distinctly higher expectations.

The increasing complexity of well architectures, higher levels of well intelligence and the real-time modality in well placement and field operations, are all products of recent technological advances and specifically the "computer chip". Advanced diagnostics is fast becoming the norm. Do they assure greening of mature fields? What should be our redefined Expected Ultimate Recoveries (EUR's)? Is 90% of Theoretical Maximum Recovery Factor a sufficiently bold target to shoot for? What are the major impediments to achieving higher EUR's for mature fields?

The answers invariably lie in modern reservoir management tenets, in-depth understanding of reservoir fundamentals, due diligence provisions and a wise selection of "smart-technologies" (the key operative word being "wise"). SaudiAramco's portfolio of hydro-carbon assets have, on average, a state of reserves depletion of less than 30%. On the mature end of the spectrum, Saudi Aramco'sAbqaiq Field has already crossed the 80% reserves depletion mark, yet is going strong on the strength of "smart technologies" and provides a real test as to what the smart technology dividend will be in terms of incremental recoveries and reduced costs.

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