Utilizing real-time integration of logging data with innovative 3D inversion and 3D anisotropy datasets, we present an innovative technical workflow highlighting powerful discrimination between oil-bearing sands, water bearing sands, and shale. Successful deployment in several challenging examples robustly reduces the uncertainty of the lithological and fluid analyses in complex clastic reservoirs.

3D Inversion of resistivity and anisotropy improves understanding of fluid distributions and reservoir architecture surrounding the well bore, improving the geological model and distribution of lithology for the field. This can be used to optimize geosteering processes for current and future wells. Integrated interpretation with other LWD data gives qualitative and quantitative information both near the wellbore and within the depth of investigation of the tool. Based on the difference in the Rv/Rh ratio for shale and sand, it is possible to resolve low resistive shale from the Oil Water Contact (OWC) at a distance. Additional interpretation of results provides valuable inputs for completion design optimization and reservoir management strategy updates. This will have significant impact in complex brownfields where reservoirs can possess variable water heights due to production.

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