If the interference effect is not considered for well test interpretation, it could lead to wrong analyses especially in boundary identification. In addition, there are some case where interference effects might be hidden where it may not be obvious due to data uncertainty. Therefore, special diagnostics of the multi well interference models will be required to differentiate between the boundary and interference effects. In addition, there is no analytical method for a well in a multi-well reservoir with no flow boundary condition.
In this paper a new method was developed to model Pressure Analysis of Well-Test Data from a Well in a Multi-well reservoir with no flow boundary condition. It covers;
Derivation of the analytical model, based on the superposition principle, with and without "no flow" boundary condition;
Modeling of various combination of testing & interfering well cases (i.e. testing well is on production or shut-in while interfering well is on production or shut-in)
Modeling of various combinations of testing & interfering well rate cases (i.e. production or injection, rate variations)
Modeling of various number of interfering well cases (i.e. location and well count)
Investigation deeply on how to differentiate between the boundary and interference effects (or vice versa) and developing the special diagnostics to able to detect interference effect directly.
Results are shown that 1) the multi-well interference effect with and without no flow boundary condition has huge impact on the well test interpretation and this effect might be interpreted as a boundary effect if interference is not considered. 2) Build-up (BU) behavior of testing well is depending on whether interfering well is shut-in or producing. If interfering well is producing, pressure derivative of BU curve is concave down and If the interfering wells are shutting in, pressure derivative of BU curve is concave up 3) the interfering well rate is affecting magnitude of impact on pressure derivative and the higher the rates, the bigger the response 4) the interfering well distance is affecting the timing of deviation on pressure derivative and the closer the distance, the quicker the response
Study also concluded that there are 3 special characteristics, which only exists in interference cases, and which does not exist in boundary cases. Therefore, those characteristics can be used to differentiate between the interference and boundary effects. Those are 1) Pressure decrease or rise at the beginning of well testing 2) the drawn-down (DD) and BU pressure derivatives in Log-Log plot are different (i.e. when BU is concave up, DD is concave down or vice versa) in case of interfering well is on continuous production 3) The consecutive BU's (or DD's) pressure derivatives on Log-Log plot are different and changing over time